Tuesday, January 27, 2009

DC Day 5

The day started at The National Archives. I want to watch National Treasure again so I can say "I've been there" over and over... much to the annoyance of Collin. I love annoying that guy. I do it so well. The Declaration of Independence. Trust me, it's there.The Bill of Rights. Another document you'll have to trust me on.The Constitution.The Rotunda. This picture illustrates the two things that literally SHUT this city down. An inch of snow and the President driving to the Capitol. Well, we aren't sure it was the president but the motorcade consisted of about 20 motorcycle police, a fleet of 10 or so black SUVs and limos, and a whole lot of police cars. It was ridiculous. As for the snow, this was the most that accumulated yet pretty much every school in the entire city was closed and it was THE top story on every news channel. Bunch of wusses. I'd like to see them in Utah for a day or two. They'd never make it.We visited the Supreme Court. They had the most intense security. More intense than the airport. I had to take my belt off. It was also the most boring place we've visited.Right next door, however, was probably the neatest place we've been. The Library of Congress. Our tour guide was a stodgy old librarian (I'm totally going to stop doing the "librarian look") named Frank.It has the most awesome architecture. This picture does not do it justice.We ended the day at Chinatown and ate dinner at a place called Matchbox. Thanks for the tip, Jess, it was yummy.


¨*:·.TIFF.·:*¨ said...

I am totally jealous right now!!! how exciting to go travel. ahhh, how i miss the days :)

Andy and Kimi said...

It looks like you guys are having so much fun!

P.S. I was looking at your pictures and thinking 'Oh, I've been there, been there,...etc...). Anyway, I laughed out loud when I read what you said about watching National Treasure.

JoyLyn said...

Yikes! Motorcycle police? Brrr!!

bekka said...

yes they are wusses, but you see that they have no where to put the snow and the humidity makes it turn righ to ice, the same thing happened all the time in Philly. People ran to the stores and stocked up on bread and water...just like the people getting ready for hurricanes.

Roadrunner said...

Ok, I've been a slacker! I had no idea you were in DC! I hope you enjoy yourself on you amazing vacation.

Jess said...

I told you it would require faith to see the declaration and such... kinda disappointing but whatever.

I'm glad you liked matchbox, I wish we could have gone with you!!